2021 Parent/Guardian Meeting (virtual), Ram Gear Store Open.
Notes from the virtual call:
Introductions (coaches, trainer, athletic director)
Head Coach: Jon Mason
Assistant Coach: Nick Sagnella
Trainer Kyle Cifarelli
Team Information/Goals
Our aim is to qualify for the State Tournament, as well as team and individual goals of successful clears, assists, take aways and defensive stands. This will be made very clear to the team.
Practice Schedule/Game Schedule
Daily practice M-F 2:45-5pm. Sharp.
Saturdays 9-11am (first practice is 3/27/21)
Games (right now) are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Schedule here.
Weather - will we have practice today?
Yes. Prepare for weather. Snow, rain, sleet, wind will not stop us.
Player equipment (gear, WATER)
If anyone has questions on gear, please reach out to Coach Mason
All players should have water for practice. Water breaks are built into our practice plans.
Safety requirements
Masks when not playing (sideline, team talks)
Coaches in masks 100%
Games (expected to be open stands)
Rule changes (face off)
Please advise on absences to practice early.
I will communicate in 3 ways: Remind, emails and everything backed up at saybrooklacrosse.com. If in doubt, check the website.
Need some new Ram gear? Our Spring stores are now open. Please use the link below and the code for each individual store. Deadline for order is March 28th. Our Code is OSHSLAx21