What's Next
So here we are, the end of a long and weird April. The CIAC met and decided to tie the fate of spring sports with the schools, which is good news. This means if we get to step back into school, we’ll get on the field. It’s about as much hope as we can have for now.
So what’s next?
This is something that we would have talked a lot about on the field. Before practice, during practice, and in notes now and then. What’s next? If you carry anything forward besides the love and fun lacrosse can bring, I hope it’s always a sense of asking yourself, what’s next?
Whether it’s after a stunning failure or a miraculous success, what’s next? Dust yourself off, and move on to that next thing. Never dwell in sadness, regret or even happiness, keep looking for what’s next. It’s exactly what your competition is doing.
For our underclassmen, what are your summer plans? I’ve emailed one player about playing with the Sharks. It would be great to see if a few more would like to join in and build our program for the future. Shoot me an email and let me know what you are thinking for Summer. You can also leave a comment below.