36 years playing,

16 years coaching,

4 years with the rams

2021 Second Captain Announced.

2021 Second Captain Announced.

Team, I am very excited to announce our second Captain. This player is a role model in how you handle pressure and adversity. He also brings with him the maturity of a Senior to our Captain’s voice.

Jack Adams was thrust into a pivotal role early in his High School lacrosse career as our X attackman. Responsible for quarterbacking the offense, this role is responsible not only for setting the motion, inside crease cuts and insuring we regain possessions for missed shots. It’s a role that is demanding and requires physical strength, smarts and speed.

Jack shows up. He’s at lifting, he’s at a pick-up shoot-around, he’s at winter league, and of course, he’s early on the field for practice and one of the last to leave. Jack was also recommended by both of the 2020 Captains nominated to lead the Rams next season; high praise.

Jack brings an easy-going attitude that shows he can handle the pressure of two defenders trying to prevent his crease-roll. Jack’s attitude makes him easy to coach as he’s always looking for ways he can improve to help the team. To me, this is where Jack shines as a player - having the mindset that every day is a chance to get better and to take on the critique and become better. He’s someone we can all look up to in this aspect.

Jack joins Andrew (I called him Anthony in my head again) as captains for the 2021 season. We will not be naming additional captains until the Spring.

Please join me in congratulating Jack for this accomplishment.

2021 Season Interest Meeting (Virtual)

2021 Season Interest Meeting (Virtual)

OS Lacrosse gets press; First 2021 Captain Announced.

OS Lacrosse gets press; First 2021 Captain Announced.