Fall Update
It was great to see so many of you at the Fall boys lacrosse interest meeting. This Spring, we’re looking to take over where we left off - climbing in the Shoreline Conference and making some real noise for run at States. Here’s a recap of what we talked about:
Big opportunity this season in starting spots. Last year we saw our Freshman make a real contribution to our success - I am excited to see that happen again.
Our captains this season are three seniors: Brayden Cody, Aiden D’Anna and Will Maselli. They should be a resource for you now and throughout the season. They tell me they know everything.
Winter trainings. Got 2 hours this winter? If so, getting some exercise is high on my list of suggestions:
Montville indoor league - this group is scheduled games vs area teams Sunday mornings for 1 hour of game time. Mrs. Percival is heading up registration. Please reach out to me if interested and I can put you in contact with her. This is an excellent chance to get to know our opponents and see a wide range of skill or perhaps find a weakness. There’s a fee for this league.
Old Saybrook Park and Rec - Starting January 9th, 6-7pm at the Rec will be pick up lacrosse. This is a fun, low-key (typically) way to get a stick in your hand and get your sweat on. This is run by OSPR and I believe the fee is $20.
Note about fees: if the only thing holding you back from attending either of these is financial reasons, reach out and I will find a way to solve this.
PRT - The Physical Readiness Test is my attempt to get you to be ahead of our opponents at the start of the season. This test is comprised of:
1.5 mile timed run
Push Ups (max # in 3 min)
Plank (max time is 4 min)
Shuttle run (10 yards)
To prepare for this test (held the first day of practice and then a few more times throughout the season) requires nothing but your time and will. Don’t be the player that regrets not starting sooner.
Remind. We use remind as a notification system for short messages. Typically these are time-sensitive messages. Players can also use it to reach out to coaches. Players and parents/guardians are welcome to join. You can do so here: https://www.remind.com/join/oshsblax
Give us more. We’re always looking for new players - even with no experience. We’ve got loaner gear (over 10 sets of shoulder pads - if you’re looking to avoid buying some this season) to get them started. A bigger team is a better team. Reach out to me if you have questions.
What did I miss? email me at jmason@oldsaybrookschools.org