36 years playing,

16 years coaching,

4 years with the rams

Senior Spotlight: Jake Linder.  Plus Executing/Defending the 2-man game and this weeks workout.

Senior Spotlight: Jake Linder. Plus Executing/Defending the 2-man game and this weeks workout.

Show of hands: how many think our game last week vs Old Lyme would have been a great test for our team? Me too! It would have been a great benchmark to know where our game is at.

Despite my safety net behind my backyard goal, my ball bucket is about 1/2 full . I am still hitting neighbor’s houses but have managed to tear a nice whole in the net in top left.

The CIAC is supposed to meet this week to discuss next steps. I am still hopeful for some official shortened season and I am talking with Park and Rec about some summer opportunities for playing here in Old Saybrook. There will be lacrosse again in OS.

My question for today: “If everyone on our team was as committed to improving during this quarantine, as I am, how good would our team be?!”

If your answer gets you excited, then keep up the great work! If NOT, then GET TO WORK!

Senior Spotlight: Jake Linder

Jake. Jake. Jake. There are few players I enjoy yelling at/for more than Jake. Jake’s played defense for his entire high school career and earned a starting spot on last year’s team.

When he first started playing for me, he wanted to be a goalie. Those were fun times. Since then, Jakes done an excellent job reigning in his power advantage and began seeing a bigger game. Jake wear’s his emotions on his sleeve - there’s no hiding when he is frustrated, angry or about to punch someone.

My favorite Jake memory was a home game last season. Half our team was in the penalty box leaving Jake and our goalie almost by themselves. Jake took on 4 or 5 players and somehow we came away with the defensive stop. I don’t think anyone, including Jake, believed what just happened. It goes to show that a strong work ethic like Jake will prepare oneself for almost any situation.

It’s been a pleasure to get to watch Jake grow from a nervous goalie to a nervous defenseman to a poised young man. I know Jake will be able to take the lessons we learned on the field into his life and make advantages for himself. Big things await him.

Two-man game

Here’s a great example of the kind of offense Old Saybrook is about to known for: the simple two-man game. Simple, fast and easy, the two-man game can be unpredictable using simple ideas like this:


Here’s the perfect workout for a rainy day like today. This workout comes from Will Manny (PLL Archers all-star, Coach at Utah, Tewaarton finalist…). And I can hear Jeison ask, “just my first name? Nope, first and last…

Senior Spotlight: Will Bergeron. Plus vote on Helmet Decal?

Senior Spotlight: Will Bergeron. Plus vote on Helmet Decal?

Senior Spotlight: Ed Fernandes. Plus workouts to keep you in shape

Senior Spotlight: Ed Fernandes. Plus workouts to keep you in shape