Senior Spotlight: Alem Tiden. Plus: Position-Specific Workouts
This past Saturday would have been our first Jamboree and test of how we are coming along. Teams from Guilford, Berlin and Fitch would have played their best against us. The weather was beautiful.
I threw the ball around at the beach last week - be smart and practice social distancing (if you have a d-pole, it’s the perfect 6’ separator). Grab your stick and throw around a bit - I promise it will improve your state of mind. It appears they’ve removed our nets off the turf.
This week’s Senior Spotlight is attackman Alem Tiden. I was lucky enough to coach Alem back in youth lacrosse and cheered him on as he rose into the high school game. Alem has one of the hardest shots and he’s usually the last one still shooting after practice (those two things may be related). One thing that I really admire Alem for is his willingness to be an active part of our clearing - he’s frequently the one to get the call to advance down into our defensive end and clear the ball up. I continue to expect big things from Alem because I know he’s still hungry for more.
Check out these position-specific drills
For Face Off:
Defensive workout